Entrepreneur Spotlight: The Sober Yoga Girl, Alex McRobert

Tell us about yourself, your background, and your entrepreneurial journey. What is it that you do?

I created a worldwide community that helps women change the entire trajectory of their lives, by stopping drinking alcohol and replacing it with a spiritual practice. Some of the tools I equip women with on this journey are yoga practices, meditations, journaling, and connection to a likeminded community. In recent years I’ve brought my community from online to offline, hosting retreats around the world in Mexico, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Bali, and more. 

What inspired and motivated you to transform your lifestyle from being a party girl to the birth of The Sober Yoga Girl? 

I was sick of being constantly hungover, exhausted and in debt. I didn’t enjoy my job as a schoolteacher, but I lacked the determination to change. When I finally quit drinking, it was only going to be a 28 day break. When I was about two weeks alcohol free, I realized how much my life had changed for the better in such a short time – and that was the motivation to keep going for life. In about two years after I quit drinking, I built my business up enough to quit my job as a schoolteacher full time, and now I travel around the world running retreats and yoga teacher trainings. I know for a fact that none of this would have been possible if I hadn’t quit drinking. 

Why have you made the decision to grow your business, The Mindful Life Practice, in the UAE?

I began growing the Mindful Life Practice while living in the UAE because this is where I was based as a schoolteacher! Now I don’t live full time in the UAE, but I come back to run events a few times a year. I find that some expats in the UAE have a big drinking culture and feel less spiritually connected, so when I run retreats and events in the UAE they are almost always sold out and fully booked.

What motivates you daily?

I feel inspired by all the other leaders I see around the globe in the sober world quitting drinking, being brave enough to share their journey and transforming their communities. 

As a young, emerging successful entrepreneur, what is your number ONE piece of advice for entrepreneurs just starting out?

My biggest piece of advice would be work hard but also leave space for your own wellbeing. When I started my own business, I was so laser focused on its growth and success that I lost a lot of friends and joy in the process. I absolutely love what I do but it took me time to realize that by not focusing on my own wellbeing, the business wouldn’t thrive as a result. Now I make sure I do things that fill my own cup each week like attending Kirtan or chanting practices, going for walks, and building a community of friends. 

What is your favourite quote for life & entrepreneurship?

Oh my gosh there are so many good ones, it’s so hard to choose!

I think “You have to see failure as the beginning and middle, but never entertain it as the end.” – Jessica Herrin. 

As an entrepreneur you’ll fail so many times! Part of the job is to keep persevering even in the face of failures. 

What is next for you?

My dream is to create my own retreat center, first in Bali and then around the world. 

Where can readers find out more about you and The Mindful Life Practice?

You can learn more about me on Instagram @alexmcrobs! And discover more about my offerings at www.themindfullifepractice.com 

Editor-In-Chief of Bizpreneur Middle East