Using Technology to Become an Online Coach

Coaching has become one of the most popular ways to conduct business online in recent years. The advantages to the person being mentored are huge. Online coaching fees are often less than in person sessions and both parties can tailor hours and methods of contact.

The coach can make resources available online in private download areas, allowing study or use at any time by the client and there are multiple coaching options that don’t require travel expenses, accommodation expenses, meals or other expenses that would occur if one were to travel to workshops out of town or attend regular sessions locally (or not so locally).

These multiple coaching options include:

  • One-on-one coaching
  • Telephone coaching
  • Group coaching
  • Elite group coaching
  • Webinar coaching
  • Teleseminar coaching
  • Private Facebook Group coaching

Plus several more – all tailored to the client and his/her lifestyle.

In addition, the advantages to the client are usually of equal advantage to you, the coach. You too don’t have to travel, pay for a top-of-the-line wardrobe or pay for a physical office with a waiting and consulting room. You can work with your client at hours that suit you, as well as those that suit your client. You can take advantage of technology to not only deliver material, but deliver it in a format that helps genuinely create that personal, one-on-one feel – even when you’re delivering it to a larger audience.

However, you do need to know and be absolutely sure of your own reasons for wanting to become a coach.

If you love helping people make the most of their abilities, improve their lifestyles or increase confidence, you may be a natural-born coach. If you are passionate about a skill or niche, and love helping people become as proficient in it as you are, coaching is definitely an option you should consider.

Using Technology to Become an Online Coach

Interactive video/webinar is a delivery method that initiates audience involvement using the content of a particular media.

The presenter must use the video or webinar as a springboard for questions, work groups and analysis, just watching a video or webinar is generally not an effective way to learn.

Credentials required in order to be an online coach

This is still a grey area in the Middle East. You can become a coach with as little “accreditation” as being two or three steps ahead of your market… or you can choose a coaching venue/method that absolutely requires membership in specific professional organizations, as well as being in position of university degrees and experience. The fact is, there are no set requirements, but in order to coach at a high level you should look into the different accreditations available and have a vast amount of experience in the area you’re coaching.

The quickest way to find out the training, experience and credentials you’ll need is to ask practicing coaches who do exactly what you want to do.

Professional Coaching Organizations To Check Out

This varies from discipline to discipline, but a great place to start is with a generic coaching association, where you will receive resources, training, tips and more. Look for associations like these ones – both for general coaching and specific organizations in your field:

Editor-In-Chief of Bizpreneur Middle East

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